Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hauling Sunday CXI

Hi everyone!

Hope you're having a great week-end :) In Canada, it's a long week-end and I'm enjoying it, just relaxing. I'm waiting for the reading and blogging bugs to bite again to get back into some rhythm. One of my issues at the moment is my left eye. I hate to be complaining about a health issue again, because it seems that's all I do nowadays :( Anyway, I went to the optometrist and it seems my prescription has changed. Not much, only 0.50 so I'm not sure that's really the explanation, but I do plan to change my glasses lenses soon, so we'll see. Otherwise, what is keeping me busy is Candy Crush and I feel I really need to stop playing ^_^; It just takes so much of my time ^_^; and I feel a lot of luck is involved.

Changing subject, here are my new precious! :)


I pre-ordered The Originals and it arrived while I was away on the trip :) I've already read The Autumn Bride and The Importance of Being Wicked, but was waiting for a promotion to get them in print. The surprise of the week was an anthology, When Honey Got Married, which features one of my new auto-buy author, Kelly Hunter :) Thanks Li!

What about you? What new books did you get this week?